green, misty hills against a grey sky


Our Community

We have a long history of supporting the community where we live and work through financial and in-kind assistance.

Our community partnerships do more than provide much-needed funds. The time our people give to the community through volunteering is equally valuable, whether it is with causes they are passionate about, or through relationships they have formed with our community partners.

Our Community

Our Community

We have a long history of supporting the community where we live and work through financial and in-kind assistance.

Our community partnerships do more than provide much-needed funds. The time our people give to the community through volunteering is equally valuable, whether it is with causes they are passionate about, or through relationships they have formed with our community partners.

Applying for Partnerships

Applications for community partnerships for 2024/2025 are now closed.

To find out more about timing and process for our partnerships, please view our Frequently Asked Questions below.  

Our Community Partners

We’ve announced our 2024/25 Community Partners. See who they are and what we’re helping them achieve. Congratulations to the recipients – we’re looking forward to helping you achieve positive outcomes for the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland. 

Community Engagement

We’re proud of the work our major partners have done over the past three years and what we’ve helped them achieve through our partnerships. 

Community Volunteering

We give our people an extra day of leave each year to volunteer with charities and organisations which are close to their hearts. If you’re a not-for-profit who would like assistance with an activity in the Latrobe Valley or Gippsland community, please get in touch with us at

A Better Life for Foster Kids

Our Reliability and Planning team after a big day helping A Better Life for Foster Kids on a volunteer day. 

A Better Life for Foster Kids 

After a successful volunteer day with A Better Life for Foster Kids in 2023, our Reliability and Planning team were keen to return in 2024. Their efforts helped further improve the charity’s premises and strengthen the relationships formed over previous years, including the hands-on support we provided to assist with flood damage in 2021.  

Our Reliability and Planning team also offered assistance to the veteran group which shares a building with A Better Life for Foster Kids. They were keen for our assistance having seen the wonderful work done for their neighbours in the previous year. This resulted in a refresh of rooms for A Better Life for Foster Kids and new garden beds for the veterans. 

“We are so lucky to have the support of Loy Yang B. When we were flooded a few years ago, you were immediately there to help, and in the past we have had teams in doing work on our rooms. We’re so grateful for this relationship.” – A Better Life for Foster Kids founder Heather Baird. 

Gippsland plains rail trail

Gippsland Plains Rail Trail volunteers (left) with Loy Yang B Technician/Operators Alex Marino and Kevin Heenan at a volunteer day. 

Gippsland Plains Rail Trail

One of our maintenance teams used its volunteer day to assist the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail committee with maintenance activities, including removing graffiti and re-painting an old rail cart at Cowwarr, which is a feature of the trail. They also removed barbed wire from around 200 meters of fencing at Glengarry and removed and stacked 11 trees at Traralgon. 

The rail trail is a significant community asset and provides a range of benefits socially, economically, and environmentally. It is managed by a committee of volunteers that work diligently to maintain the trail to high standard. These activities helped 

Committee members were extremely grateful for our help in completing the work and impressed with what we had managed to accomplish in a day. 

“I can’t believe how much work they got done on the volunteer day. What they have helped us achieve is an amazing gift to the community.” – Gippsland Plains Rail Trail Committee of Management’s Helen Hoppner.