Acknowledgement of Country
Classification of pipeline: Transmission
Nameplate rating: 146TJ/d.
Receipt points (and key facilities to which they connect): Connection point on the southern Longford to Dandenong gas transmission pipeline (refer to Gas Pipeline – Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)).
Delivery points (and key facilities to which they connect):
Technical or physical characteristics which may affect access, use or price of the services: There are no immediate concerns regarding fitness for service of the Loy Yang B pipeline at least until 2029. Assets covered under the scope of an integrity assessment review are safe to continue to operate for 10 years unless information from surveys or inspections triggers a review at an earlier date.
Any policies of the service provider which may affect access to, use or price for services (e.g. queuing requirements, receipt or delivery point change policy, metering and measurement policy): Please refer to terms in our Standard Gas Transportation Agreement and User Access Guide.
Gas Transportation Agreement Part A Instrument of Agreement
Gas Transportation Agreement Part B Standard Terms & Conditions
* Scheduled or Emergency Maintenance – May carry out maintenance works on pipeline that is required due to unacceptable risk to personnel or property or due to sudden fault or failure of the lateral pipeline or associated facilities.
** Priority to use the capacity of the lateral for the purpose of transporting run down or start-up fuel for the Loy Yang B Power Station. There may be a reduction in the amount of gas transported to give effect to that priority.
List of pipeline services including a description of each service and locational limits and priority ranking of the service in relation to other pipeline services including when scheduling and in the event of curtailment: The only available pipeline service is a Forward Haulage Service. This is defined in the Standard Gas Transportation Agreement as a gas transportation Service in the Pipeline in the forward direction from the Receipt Point to the Delivery Point, subject to Curtailment. This service may be curtailed pursuant to clause 19.1 of the standard GTA, including to enable as necessary for power station start-up and other requirements at the LYB power station site or of the LYB / Alinta Group.
Total metered quantity of gas injected and withdrawn during the month: Please refer to AEMO GAS BB data published at Navigate to Pipeline deliveries and filter the data on “LYB Transmission Pipeline”, which reflects flows through the LYB pipeline into LYB Power Station and the Snowy Hydro peaking plant at Loy Yang B. Or download data via Download “Pipeline Connection Flow (All data)” file. Filter data in this file by facility name = “LYB transmission Pipeline”.
Total quantity of gas scheduled for injection or withdrawal during the month (taking into account rescheduling). Of these quantities, the quantities attributable to each pipeline service: The data on AEMO Gas Bulletin board reflects the service forward haul service available to LYB power station usage & Snowy’s usage. This is split by delivery points & receipts. To download this data, please navigate to:
Outlook on firm capacity available for sale or that it will have available for sale for each month in the following 36 month period: Refer Firm Capacity Available.
Info about matters expected to affect the capacity of the pipeline (including any planned expansions of the capacity) for each month in the following 12 month period: Information will be published as relevant.
Information on any other limitations on the availability of the pipeline services identified in the pipeline service information: Information will be published as relevant.
Standing terms and conditions applicable to each pipeline service: Please refer to Loy Yang B’s Standard Gas Transportation Agreement & Standard Terms and Conditions:
Gas Transportation Agreement Part A Instrument of Agreement
Gas Transportation Agreement Part B Standard Terms & Conditions
Standing price for each pipeline service under the standing terms and conditions: The charge per GJ of Contractual MDQ for the Firm Forward Haulage Service is $0.073/GJ MDQ/day (as at 1 Jan 2024, and subject to quarterly escalation). The Standard GTA also provides for the following charges to be paid in accordance with its terms:
Other information about prices and charges applicable to each pipeline service (i.e. charging structure, minimum charges, overrun and imbalance charges): The charge for Forward Haulage Service is a take or pay charge based on Contractual MDQ per Day (as at 1 Jan 2024, and subject to quarterly escalation). The Standard GTA also provides for the following charges to be paid in accordance with its terms:
This service may be curtailed pursuant to clause 19.1 of the standard GTA, including to enable as necessary for power station start-up and other requirements at the Loy Yang B power station site or of the Loy Yang B / Alinta Group.
The methodology used to calculate the standing price, the inputs used in the calculation of the standing price and any other information specified in the pipeline information disclosure guidelines: LYB Pipeline Tariff has been calculated based on a “Building Blocks Approach”. Please refer to tariff inputs & calculations spreadsheet for more details on inputs & formulas Pipeline Standing Tariff Methodology Inputs.
Details of current prices paid: Refer Actual Prices Paid.
The following information is not required to be provided due to a category 2 exemption in place under part 10 of the National Gas Rules:
Classification of pipeline:
Nameplate rating: 146TJ/d.
Receipt points (and key facilities to which they connect): Connection point on the southern Longford to Dandenong gas transmission pipeline (refer to Gas Pipeline – Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)).
Delivery points (and key facilities to which they connect):
Technical or physical characteristics which may affect access, use or price of the services: There are no immediate concerns regarding fitness for service of the Loy Yang B pipeline at least until 2029. Assets covered under the scope of an integrity assessment review are safe to continue to operate for 10 years unless information from surveys or inspections triggers a review at an earlier date.
Any policies of the service provider which may affect access to, use or price for services (e.g. queuing requirements, receipt or delivery point change policy, metering and measurement policy): Please refer to terms in our Standard Gas Transportation Agreement and User Access Guide.
Gas Transportation Agreement Part A Instrument of Agreement
Gas Transportation Agreement Part B Standard Terms & Conditions
* Scheduled or Emergency Maintenance – May carry out maintenance works on pipeline that is required due to unacceptable risk to personnel or property or due to sudden fault or failure of the lateral pipeline or associated facilities.
** Priority to use the capacity of the lateral for the purpose of transporting run down or start-up fuel for the Loy Yang B Power Station. There may be a reduction in the amount of gas transported to give effect to that priority.
List of pipeline services including a description of each service and locational limits and priority ranking of the service in relation to other pipeline services including when scheduling and in the event of curtailment: The only available pipeline service is a Forward Haulage Service. This is defined in the Standard Gas Transportation Agreement as a gas transportation Service in the Pipeline in the forward direction from the Receipt Point to the Delivery Point, subject to Curtailment. This service may be curtailed pursuant to clause 19.1 of the standard GTA, including to enable as necessary for power station start-up and other requirements at the LYB power station site or of the LYB / Alinta Group.
Total metered quantity of gas injected and withdrawn during the month: Please refer to AEMO GAS BB data published at Navigate to Pipeline deliveries and filter the data on “LYB Transmission Pipeline”, which reflects flows through the LYB pipeline into LYB Power Station and the Snowy Hydro peaking plant at Loy Yang B. Or download data via Download “Pipeline Connection Flow (All data)” file. Filter data in this file by facility name = “LYB transmission Pipeline”.
Total quantity of gas scheduled for injection or withdrawal during the month (taking into account rescheduling). Of these quantities, the quantities attributable to each pipeline service: The data on AEMO Gas Bulletin board reflects the service forward haul service available to LYB power station usage & Snowy’s usage. This is split by delivery points & receipts. To download this data, please navigate to:
Outlook on firm capacity available for sale or that it will have available for sale for each month in the following 36 month period: Refer Firm Capacity Available.
Info about matters expected to affect the capacity of the pipeline (including any planned expansions of the capacity) for each month in the following 12 month period: Information will be published as relevant.
Information on any other limitations on the availability of the pipeline services identified in the pipeline service information: Information will be published as relevant.
Standing terms and conditions applicable to each pipeline service: Please refer to Loy Yang B’s Standard Gas Transportation Agreement & Standard Terms and Conditions:
Gas Transportation Agreement Part A Instrument of Agreement
Gas Transportation Agreement Part B Standard Terms & Conditions
Standing price for each pipeline service under the standing terms and conditions: The charge per GJ of Contractual MDQ for the Firm Forward Haulage Service is $0.073/GJ MDQ/day (as at 1 Jan 2024, and subject to quarterly escalation). The Standard GTA also provides for the following charges to be paid in accordance with its terms:
Other information about prices and charges applicable to each pipeline service (i.e. charging structure, minimum charges, overrun and imbalance charges): The charge for Forward Haulage Service is a take or pay charge based on Contractual MDQ per Day (as at 1 Jan 2024, and subject to quarterly escalation). The Standard GTA also provides for the following charges to be paid in accordance with its terms:
This service may be curtailed pursuant to clause 19.1 of the standard GTA, including to enable as necessary for power station start-up and other requirements at the Loy Yang B power station site or of the Loy Yang B / Alinta Group.
The methodology used to calculate the standing price, the inputs used in the calculation of the standing price and any other information specified in the pipeline information disclosure guidelines: LYB Pipeline Tariff has been calculated based on a “Building Blocks Approach”. Please refer to tariff inputs & calculations spreadsheet for more details on inputs & formulas Pipeline Standing Tariff Methodology Inputs.
Details of current prices paid: Refer Actual Prices Paid.
The following information is not required to be provided due to a category 2 exemption in place under part 10 of the National Gas Rules: