green, misty hills against a grey sky

Environmental Reporting

We provide daily and monthly updates on our environmental performance.

Daily updates show compliance with limits for continuously monitored air emissions (sulphur dioxide, particulates (dust), oxides of nitrogen, and carbon monoxide).

Our monthly report provides the daily maximum and rolling 90th percentile values for each of the continuously monitored air emissions. It also details any exceedances for the reporting period and the percentage availability or downtime of emissions monitoring instruments.

Emissions Reporting

The table below is updated daily and shows whether the discharge limits as specified in Loy Yang B’s EPA licence #OL000003987 were exceeded at any time within the preceding 24 hours to midnight for the following indicators: particles (total), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.

Indicator Indicator limit


Last updated Status
Particulates Max 11,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Particulates 90ᵗʰ Percentile 4,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Sulfur Dioxide Max 200,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Sulfur Dioxide 90ᵗʰ Percentile 100,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Carbon Monoxide Max 56,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Carbon Monoxide 90ᵗʰ Percentile 3,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Oxides of Nitrogen Max 50,400.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant
Oxides of Nitrogen 90ᵗʰ Percentile 42,000.00 06 Feb 2025, 00:10 Compliant

Max – 100% of measured values were less than or equal to the maximum limit in the 24 hour period.

90th Percentile – Updated daily based on the previous 365 days, 90% of measured values were less than or equal to the ’90th percentile limit’.

Other parameters in the EPA licence are monitored by non-continuous methods at a frequency determined by the sampling and monitoring program.

Monthly Emissions Monitoring Reports

Download the Monthly Report Summary by registering your email below.


 Compliant, met all conditions

 Equipment fault, invalid data

 Non-compliant, exceedance event

Loy Yang B locality plan
locality plan map


DP 1 & 2 represent the main stack discharge points for the generating unit 1 & 2.

DP 3 & 4 represent minor discharges for coal handling equipment (dust only).

Licence number: OL000003987

Licence holder: LYB Operations & Maintenance Pty Ltd

Activity site: Loy Yang B Power Station, Bartons Lane, Traralgon, VIC 3844